作者:admin 更新时间:2024-04-11 22:35:31
1. 发布时机与频率
1. Release timing and frequency
a. 时间选择:把握用户活跃时段,如早晨7:00-9:30、中午11:00-12:30、晚上18:00-22:30进行发布。
a. Time selection: Seize the active time periods of users, such as 7:00-9:30 in the morning, 11:00-12:30 in the afternoon, and 18:00-22:30 in the evening for publishing.
b. 数量控制:保持每日更新1-3个视频,保证内容质量和更新节奏。
b. Quantity control: Keep updating 1-3 videos daily to ensure content quality and update pace.
c. 视频说明:简洁明了介绍视频内容,设置悬念吸引用户看完,如“最后一幕绝对惊艳”、“发现一处致命错别字,你能找到吗?”等。
c. Video description: Briefly and clearly introduce the video content, set suspense to attract users to watch it, such as "The last scene is absolutely stunning", "Found a fatal typo, can you find it?", etc.
2. 互动引导与维护
2. Interactive guidance and maintenance
a. 自我推广:发布后第一时间自我浏览、点赞、评论,引导亲友转发分享,为视频造势。
a. Self promotion: After posting, browse, like, and comment on the video as soon as possible, guide friends and family to share and promote the video.
b. 互动回复:针对热门评论、提及小号的评论及时回应,鼓励用户参与讨论。
b. Interactive response: Respond promptly to popular comments and comments mentioning small accounts, and encourage users to participate in discussions.
c. 创造话题与挑战:结合热门音乐发起挑战,@官方小助手或大号,提升视频曝光度。
c. Create topics and challenges: Combining popular music to initiate challenges, @ official assistant or account, to increase video exposure.
d. 申请长视频权限:当粉丝数达到1000以上,可通过“设置-反馈与帮助-视频-如何获取长视频权限”路径提交申请。
d. Apply for long video permission: When the number of followers reaches 1000 or more, you can submit the application through the "Settings - Feedback and Help - Video - How to obtain long video permission" path.
Tiktok short video operation is a systematic project integrating content innovation, user insight, interaction strategy and data analysis. Through precise positioning, diversified creation, efficient interaction and continuous optimization, advertising operations can create short video content with high interactivity and high click rate on the Tiktok platform, so as to achieve effective dissemination of brand information and maximize commercial value. In this growing era of short video, mastering the operation of Tiktok is undoubtedly an important step to unlock the password for commercial success.
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