
作者:admin 更新时间:2024-07-22 22:45:27

当前位置 : 首页 > 实时动态>新闻资讯 品牌在短视频中的营销方法要注意什么?


2024-07-22 22:45:27 分享 浏览次数:0


1. Direct display, product selling points


Good products come with their own attractiveness and topicality. Brands can directly showcase the differences of their products in videos, cleverly showcasing them through commentary, comparison, and following hot topics. For example, the main difference of neck hanging electric fans in short videos is portability. When other electric fans still need to be connected to USB or held by hand to use, neck hanging electric fans can be hung around the neck to enjoy coolness while freeing up hands. This difference can be fully packaged with many ingenious ideas.


This marketing method is very suitable for e-commerce merchants, especially for some innovative products. After the brand lists the selling points and differences of the product, they look for influencers with style tags to cooperate with. Based on the selling points of the product and their own style, influencers fully showcase the advantages of the product and create a hot selling product.


2. Implant scenes, showcase creativity


Scene implantation is similar to product implantation in traditional advertising, which involves displaying the brand in a prominent position in the video or appropriately implanting the product based on the plot. For example, in many emotional short videos, the brand embeds the meaning of "loving only one person for a lifetime" into the plot of DR diamond rings, which brings considerable sales to DR diamond rings.




3. Creating Emotions and Spreading Culture


Consumers not only pay attention to product quality, service level, etc. when purchasing products, but also pay extra attention to the emotional culture of the enterprise, especially for some domestic enterprises with a fixed "fan" group. During the intensive promotion period of a new product launch, these companies not only advertise the product itself, but also highlight the company's humanistic feelings, allowing consumers to feel the warmth and emotions from the company and increase their favorability towards the company. For example, whenever a new product is launched, many Xiaomi employees will release daily short videos, explaining the birth concept of the new product from different positions such as product design, technology, and promotion, using a warm perspective to help consumers understand the product.

4、VIP 玩家,定向推广

4. VIP players, targeted promotion


Paid features are one of the main sources of revenue for social apps, and this marketing method requires companies to have sufficient budget. Of course, for large enterprises, this budget belongs to the company's promotional expenses.


At present, there are two common paid functions for short videos:


1) Targeted promotion refers to the precise delivery of content to a certain audience with such consumption needs (determined by the platform's attention level). For example, shoe manufacturers use the platform's paid promotion feature to allow viewers who usually browse shoe videos to see their videos. Video promotion is also a major way for many brands to gain additional exposure.


2) Certification. Short video authentication is divided into two types: personal authentication and enterprise authentication.


① Personal authentication (yellow V authentication) refers to having an identity recognized by the platform. Some specific professions, such as wealth management and real estate investment experts, must have personal authentication in order to be allowed to publish relevant content, otherwise the platform will not expose traffic. After certification, the influencer will receive the following benefits:

· 更容易上热门,认证后会升级成为平台优质账号,会提高账号权重,更容易上热门。

·It is easier to become popular, and after authentication, it will be upgraded to a high-quality account on the platform, which will increase the account's weight and make it easier to become popular.


· 获取平台更多推荐:拥有平台认可的“身份”,账号内容更容易得到推荐。

·Get more recommendations from the platform: Having a platform recognized "identity" makes it easier for account content to receive recommendations.

· 提升视频审核速度:对于时效性比较强的内容,认证后的达人能更快抢占热门。

·Improve video review speed: For content with strong timeliness, certified influencers can quickly seize popularity.

· 提升“粉丝”的信任感:这是打造个人IP的基础,黄V认证能提高达人的知名度及影响力。

·Enhancing the trust of 'fans': This is the foundation for building a personal IP, and yellow V certification can increase the visibility and influence of influencers.


② Enterprise certification (Blue V certification) means having a platform recognized corporate identity. Blue V certification can give companies more rights to interact with their fans and achieve a closed-loop marketing strategy. After certification, the enterprise will receive the following benefits:

· 蓝V标识:公示权威身份,使其公信力更强。

·Blue V logo: Publicize authoritative identity to enhance its credibility.

· 昵称锁定:搜索时企业昵称置顶显示,且昵称不重名。

·Nickname lock: When searching, the enterprise nickname should be displayed at the top, and the nickname should not be the same.

· 外链按钮:支持跳转外链,展现个性化的内容。

·External link button: supports jumping to external links and displays personalized content.

· 商家页面:首页展示商家信息,有利于用户在第一时间获取信息。

·Merchant page: The homepage displays merchant information, which is beneficial for users to obtain information in the first time.

· 活动卡券:打通线上线下,精准推送给有需求的人。

·Activity coupons: Connect online and offline channels, and accurately deliver to those in need.


5. Collaborate with internet celebrities to achieve maximum dissemination


If a brand relies solely on its own traffic, its dissemination power is often limited. However, if it cooperates with traffic and influencer accounts of the same category, it can maximize the dissemination effect.


The large "fan" group can be seen as a private domain traffic pool, and "fans" have a certain degree of trust and favorability towards internet celebrities. By leveraging the power of celebrities to promote products in the traffic pool, it is possible to achieve maximum dissemination and conversion.


Of course, precisely because there is a trust relationship in the traffic pool of internet celebrities, many of them have strict review mechanisms for their products.





